Cars and health (ô tô và sức khỏe)
Ford looks to introduce health, wellness apps to its cars
That’s the plan from the Ford Motor Company, which is working with healthcare companies WellDoc, Medtronic and SDI Health to include health and wellness in-car connectivity solutions on the Ford SYNC platform.
What are the effects on health of transport-related air pollution?
Exposure to transport related air pollution varies, as some groups may be more exposed, depending on how long they stay in polluted areas and what they do while there.
Health chiefs welcome ban on smoking in cars carrying children
Of course, the risk posed to children by smoking in cars is the same as it is smoking at home and I d urge parents who do smoke to heed the warning
Do electric cars cause cancer?
People living near power substations and high tension lines are at a danger of neurological damage, cancer, and cardiac rhythm problems.
Electric cars a mixed bag for health
The environmental health cost of driving an electric vehicle using electricity from solar or wind generators could be as much as 50 percent less than environmental
Cars, Trucks, Air Pollution and Health
The explosion of a deep sea oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico is a reminder that gas, and diesel consumers are partners in causing environmental degradation and disasters.
Why electric cars may be hazardous to your health
A few of my clients who are electrically sensitive can tolerate a few gas powered vehicles, but become very ill whenever they drive or ride in a hybrid or electric car.
Learn about the Health Threat of EMFs from Electric Cars
The two types of electricity that we use have different properties in the types of EMF they create, AC creates much larger EMFs and much more EMR than does DC power.
Self Driving Cars and the Impact on Health
Among the circumstances: fewer crashes and reduced fuel emissions - both of which will have implications for health care providers.
Ford to use wearables to improve health and safety in cars
When we spoke with Stromolo in his office at Ford, he was wearing a Pebble smartwatch on one hand and a Basis smartwatch, fitness tracker on the other.
Clean bill of health for electric cars
The partners also studied the biological effects of the EMFs observed in electric vehicles. One of their experiments focused on cardiac cells, to check if EMFs affect the electrical processes of the heart.
Cars and air pollution
Carbon monoxide reduces the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity which can reduce the availability of oxygen to key organs. Extreme levels of exposure, such as might occur due to blocked flues in domestic boilers, can be fatal.
Vehicles, Air Pollution, and Human Health
Clean vehicle and fuel technologies provide us with an affordable, available means of reducing transportation-related air pollution and climate change emissions.